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Patchogue Indivisible Against Hate Has Members Marching in DC Today

Actually, we are just starting up and two prospective members responded to our 1st organizational meeting invitation, that was going to be held today, saying that they were attending the march. We're glad to see that they are being truly active in getting the word out that we will not stand for the racist, authoritarian, corrupt, agenda of Trump, or the policies and war on women of the republican politicians.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) made sure that a bill to repeal The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka the ACA and Obamacare) was the first order of business to hit Trump's desk. He also added to the bill an item to defund Planned Parenthood. Republicans have been misleading the American people for years saying they don't want taxpayer money to pay for abortions, it DOESN'T! NEVER HAS! Yet Republicans continue to use that mantra to anger people. They also say they want to "defund" Planned Parenthood, like they send them a check to fund them every year, that's simply not true. Planned Parenthood provides health care to women by way of cancer screenings and other critical services and gets paid by Medicaid and other insurance, they DO NOT GET FUNDED!

Let's stand with ALL the people marching today and wish them a safe, enjoyable, and effective, march today! @IndivisibleTeam #StandIndivisible

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